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About Me
About Me 1

Zach Meldrum

I have been making games since I was seven years old. What was once a summer activity has become a lifelong dedication.

Have a look around and if you think I would make a good fit for your team. Reach out.

Design Values

These are some of the values and ideals I have picked up so far in my path. 

Whenever the question comes up of "what can I add to fix this," I first like to ask, "Can I remove anything to fix this?" Iteration is not just adding new things, removing things is core.

Remove, then Add

I believe that good process and documentation not only helps avoid dead-ends and save development time but also helps the team stay on track.

Process saves Lives

The more iterations, the better the product, but only as far as each failure's value. Fail quickly but get the most value out of each failure

Fail Efficiently

My responsibility as a designer is not to own the game and make it the best it can be, my responsibility is to use my knowledge to empower everyone to make it the best it can be

Empower not Own

Zachary Meldrum Resume

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